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Is DIY the New Norm?

Take a look around. Everything around us is becoming more and more of a DIY focused mentality. Consider the last time you checked out at the grocery store…did you use the Self-Checkout? Or the last time you went to the bank…did you go inside or use the ATM? New businesses are leveraging this DIY concept and the public response continues to be overwhelmingly positive. Why else would a business such as Plated or Blue Apron be so popular if society wasn’t obsessed with DIY? Similarly, why are more and more people open to Uber and Airbnb? The answer is simple. Technology has allowed us to do more and more independently, while saving money and having the same experience as the more expensive option.


Consider the event planning world. Most couples and young professions utilize The Knot or EventWire (among others) to help plan their event independently. While event planners are still utilized, a larger percentage of consumers are leveraging DIY than ever before. Pinterest and Instagram provide a plethora of ideas and inspiration, while YouTube videos provide detailed instructions toward completion. And the results…? Thousands of dollars are being saved and events are becoming far more personal. Consider a company like Booth By Mail, a mail order photo booth company available nationwide and 24/7. In the past a customer would need to hire a physical attendant to provide a photo booth for entertainment of guests. Not anymore. Today’s technology coupled with a user friendly interface has allowed an individual to run the booth themselves and lower the cost of photo booth rental. Booth By Mail delivers the photo booth kit directly to the doorstep with everything ready to go right out-of-the-box. This DIY photo booth option is extremely popular and results speak for themselves.


The DIY concept is here to stay. As more and more companies leverage this idea, the consumer can expect pricing to lower as supply increases. DIY has allowed multiple options for consumers that simply were not available before. Four course meals can now be delivered to your door, cars and homes can be shared to save hundreds on travel, banking is available 24/7, and consumers can now plan events for a fraction of the price they used to spend. We are excited for the future of DIY as more and more companies look for new ways to offer traditional products.